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走进新世纪,感受新千年。时尚,永远是一个不朽的主题,传统或现代、保守或反叛、主流或异类……在新世纪的开端,纷至沓来,异彩分呈。不用上街,就能知道各大品牌今季的最新款,还可以随心所欲地玩转各品牌的服饰搭配,比一比哪一款更酷,试一试哪几款更衬自己!是不是对自己衣着品味的一次大考验、大挑战呢?!本期的行业互联网将带我们进入服装之林。OK!Let’sgo. Into the new century, feel the new millennium. Fashion is always an immortal theme, traditional or modern, conservative or rebellious, mainstream or heterogeneous ... In the beginning of the new century, after another, different colors were presented. Do not have to go to the streets, you can know the latest season of the major brands, but also free to play with each brand of clothing with more than one of which is more cool, try which several more lining their own! Clothing taste a big test, the big challenge ?! The current industry Internet will take us into the forest of clothing. OK! Let’sgo.