安杰依没能摆脱信任危机,终于“下课”了。我不吃惊,但我列出今年“下课”的一连串名单时,却大为惊诧,维尔纳、陈熙荣、崔殷泽、殷立华、肖笃寅、安杰依、刘国江……到底怎么啦? 据说目前各队主帅,除个别一二,其余都有随时“下课”的可能。徐根宝就坐在“火山口”上;李应发也聆听到“下课”的声浪……到底出什么事啦? 我向足球圈的专家讨个明白,答复要点如下:一,各俱乐部豁出性命要赢球要名次,已承受不了失败;二,炒教练不仅在中国,就在国外也实属正常,不必大惊小怪。 有道理,但我还是特不以为然,提出几点质疑,但愿与各位交换一下脑筋,免得走火入魔。
An Jieyi failed to get out of the crisis of confidence, and finally “get out of class”. I was not surprised, but when I listed a series of lists of this year’s class, I was greatly surprised. What happened to Werner, Chen Xi Rong, Cui Yinze, Yin Lihua, Xiao Duyin, An Jieyi and Liu Guojiang? , In addition to individual one or two, the rest have the possibility of “get out of class” at any time. Xu Genbao sat on the “crater”; Li Ying hair also heard the “get out of class” noise ... ... in the end what happened? I to the football circle to discuss an expert to understand the main points are as follows: First, the club to fight life to win To the ranking, can not stand the failure; Second, speculation coach is not only in China, it is normal abroad, do not make a fuss. It makes sense, but I still do not agree, put forward a few questions, I hope to exchange ideas with you, so as not to get caught up.