在制度层面上,日本的志愿者们获得了政府的大力支持,在社会领域也同样得到了公众的广泛响应四川汶川大地震发生后,全国各地的有志之士纷纷自掏腰包,蜂拥至汶川参加救援,对志愿者、NGO、NPO等字眼颇感陌生的国人就此经历了一次志愿者启蒙,也因此有学者称2008年是中国的“公益元年”。但是,随着救灾热情的冷却,志愿者组织也渐渐淡出了大众的视线。据世界慈善公益指数(World giving index)的统计显示,2010年中国人的志愿者参加率仅为4%,5年后,依旧是4%。这个原地踏步的数字值
At the institutional level, Japanese volunteers received strong government support and also received wide public response in the social field. After the devastating Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, volunteers from all over the country flocked to pay their own money to support Wenchuan , Volunteers, NGOs, NPOs and other foreign language quite strangers experienced a volunteer enlightenment, so some scholars said that 2008 is China “public welfare first year ”. However, with the cooling of disaster relief enthusiasm, volunteer organizations have gradually faded the public’s attention. According to the statistics of the World giving index, only 4% of Chinese volunteers participated in 2010 and 4% after 5 years. The digital value of this mark