中国航海学会五届二次理事(扩大)会议2002年12月3至4日在南宁召开。中国航海学会理事长林祖乙、军事科学院原政委张序三、国家海洋局原副局长陈德洪、香港招商局集团副总裁周祺芳、广西科协主席郑皆连、广西交通厅副厅长李尚炎等领导和全国各省区市航海学会的专家共80多人出席了大会。林祖乙理事长致开幕词,中国航海学会秘书长胡裕生作工作报告。 大会总结了学会一年来的成绩,对今后的工作提出
China Society for Navigation five second director (enlarged) meeting December 2002 3 to 4 held in Nanning. Lin Xuyi, chairman of China Navigation Academy, Zhang Xuansan, former political commissar of Military Academy, Chen Dehong, former deputy director of State Oceanic Administration, Zhou Qi Fang, vice president of Hong Kong Merchants Group, Zheng Jielian, chairman of Guangxi Association of Science and Technology, Li Shangyan, deputy director of Guangxi Communications Department, A total of more than 80 experts from the Institute attended the conference. Chairman Lin Zu-bai delivered an opening speech and Hu Yusheng, secretary-general of China Navigation Association made a working report. The conference summarized the achievements of the academic year and put forward the work for the future