丰岛横尾美术馆位于日本濑户内海一个古老的港口城市丰岛,项目是一座由民居改造而成的美术馆。该项目由建筑师永山佑子和国际知名艺术家横尾忠则共同设计完成,属于Fukutake基金会支持的直岛系列艺术作品。美术馆在201 3年夏季与2013濑户内国际艺术节同期开幕。美术馆由三间老式日式单层住宅组成,随后进行了翻新、加建,并改变了建筑用途。美术馆希望通过建筑展示艺术家横
Located in Toshima, an ancient port city in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Toshima’s Art Museum is a museum of art converted from a dwelling. The project was designed by architect Yasuyama Yasuhiko and internationally renowned artist Yokoo Tadashi and is part of the Naha Island series of works of art supported by the Fukutake Foundation. Art Museum in the summer of 201 3 and the 2013 Seto Internationa Festival opened. The gallery consists of three old-fashioned Japanese single-storey houses, which were later renovated, added, and changed the use of the building. The museum hopes to show the artist through architecture