大铲 打私桥头堡

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大铲海关(缉私分局)位于深圳市南山区大铲岛上,该岛面积不到1平方公里,距香港仅6海里,扼守珠江口咽喉要道。大铲海关主要有两大职责:对来往港澳小型船舶及其所载货物进行中途监管、珠江口海上缉私。其中中途监管业务涵盖广东、广西两省区,6个直属海关、44个隶属海关、62个口岸的来往港澳小型船舶和货物,年均监管来往港澳进出境小型船舶航次数量占中国海关该项业务总量的80%以上;海上缉私负责水域东起深圳湾、西到淇澳岛、南到桂山 Shovel Customs (anti-smuggling Branch) is located in Dachen Island, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The island covers an area of ​​less than 1 square kilometer, just 6 nautical miles away from Hong Kong, and lays the key to the throat of the Pearl River Mouth. There are two major responsibilities of the Shoho Customs: mid-term supervision of small vessels coming to Hong Kong and Maucao and the cargoes carried there, and anti-smuggling on the Pearl River Estuary. Among them, halfway supervision business covers 6 provinces directly under the jurisdiction of Guangdong and Guangxi, 6 directly under the Customs, 44 subordinate customs, 62 ports of small vessels and goods to Hong Kong and Maucao, the average annual import and export of small vessels to Hong Kong and Macao to monitor the number of small and medium-sized businesses in China Customs More than 80% of the total; maritime anti-smuggling responsible waters east from Shenzhen Bay, west to Qiao Island, south to Guishan
目的 以经诱导具有成骨细胞活性的骨髓基质细胞(BMSCs)为种子细胞,同种异体生物衍生骨为载体,观察细胞的体外培养特性和在生物衍生骨上的复合生长情况,为进一步研究此复合材料修复