A novel process for the recovery of iron,titanium,and vanadium from vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolantu
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A sodium modification–direct reduction coupled process was proposed for the simultaneous extraction of V and Fe from vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite.The sodium oxidation of vanadium oxides to water-soluble sodium vanadate and the transformation of iron oxides to metallic iron were accomplished in a single-step high-temperature process.The increase in roasting temperature favors the reduction of iron oxides but disfavors the oxidation of vanadium oxides.The recoveries of vanadium,iron,and titanium reached 84.52%,89.37%,and 95.59%,respectively.Moreover,the acid decomposition efficiency of titanium slag reached 96.45%.Compared with traditional processes,the novel process provides several advantages,including a shorter flow,a lower energy consumption,and a higher utilization efficiency of vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite resources. A sodium modification-direct reduction coupled process was proposed for the simultaneous extraction of V and Fe from vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite. The sodium oxidation of vanadium oxides to water-soluble sodium vanadate and the transformation of iron oxides to metallic iron were accomplished in a single -step high-temperature process. The increase in roasting temperature favors the reduction of iron oxides but disfavors the oxidation of vanadium oxides. the recoveries of vanadium, iron, and titanium reached 84.52%, 89.37%, and 95.59%, respectively. Moreover, the acid decomposition efficiency of titanium slag reaches 96.45% .Compared with traditional processes, the novel process provides several advantages, including a shorter flow, a lower energy consumption, and a higher utilization efficiency of vanadium-bearing titanomagnetite resources.
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