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新课程改革的目的就是要在21世纪的教育中重视素质教育,建立符合素质教育的基础教育课程体系。很多学生对思想政治这门课程都没有兴趣,原因有很多,像课堂本身过于传统,老师在教学中过多强调知识的死记硬背,而忽视了课堂的活力性,忽视了吸引学生的兴趣等。作为一名教育工作者,应该积极响应国家的号召,将素质教育深入到教育教学中,其中增强教学活力是未来教学的一种发展趋势。 The purpose of the new curriculum reform is to attach importance to quality education in education in the 21st century and establish a basic education curriculum system that is consistent with quality education. Many students are not interested in the ideological and political course. There are many reasons. For example, the classroom itself is too traditional. The teacher places too much emphasis on memorization of knowledge in teaching, neglecting the vitality of the classroom and ignoring the interest of students. . As an educator, we should actively respond to the country’s call to infiltrate quality education into education and teaching. Among them, enhancing the vitality of teaching is a development trend of future teaching.
“水货”就是加了水的货    去年夏天,周唯和相恋两年多的男友袁文杰双双从成都一所大学毕业后回到家乡四川绵阳。袁文杰是来自郊区农村的朴实男孩,应聘去了一家房地产公司从事销售工作,每天辛苦奔走也换来了不错的业绩。而家境优越的周唯选择工作时高不成低不就,一直都没找到合适的去处,成天在网上闲逛混日子,就这样浑浑噩噩地来到了10月份。  一天,无所事事的周唯参加老同学的生日聚会,偶然结识了一个叫刘伟的化妆