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2012年8—12月,田间自然条件下采用5点取样法调查了锈病在秋播鲜食玉米田的发生动态,并探讨了锈病发生与鲜食玉米不同生育时期的关系。结果表明:锈病于9月中旬鲜食玉米苗期起开始发病,在玉米整个生育时期内呈逐渐上升趋势,至12月锈病发病率达到90%以上;田间鲜食玉米扬花散粉期是锈病侵染为害敏感期,病害为害程度在该生育时期急剧上升,发病率和病情严重度显著高于苗期和拔节期;锈病在当地秋播鲜食玉米发生为害严重,田间管理应加强玉米扬花期锈病防治。 From August to December in 2012, 5-point sampling method was used to investigate the occurrence of rust on fresh corn field in autumn and the relationship between rust occurrence and different growth stages of fresh corn was also discussed. The results showed that rust began to emerge in fresh maize seedling stage in mid-September and gradually increased during the whole growth period of maize. The incidence of rust was above 90% in December. In the sensitive period, the degree of disease damage increased sharply during the period of birth, the morbidity and severity of the disease were significantly higher than the seedling stage and jointing stage. The rust disease was severely damaged in the local autumn corn plantation. The field management should strengthen the prevention and control of the rust flowering stage .