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同学们好,很高兴见到大家。这是我第三次在川大法学院讲类似的主题:民法总则草案与民法典编纂。现场有很多老师、同学,不知道有没有本科生,不知道大家有没有关注民法典的立法工作。作为法学院的老师应该关注这次民事立法,这是中国民事立法史上的一件大事,也是中国历史上的一个重大事件。我们亲身经历这样一个过程,将是人生中非常重要的记忆。如果将来在我们的民法典上留下了我们川大法学院的老师和同学的意见, Good classmates, nice to meet everyone. This is the third time that I have a similar topic at Sichuan University Law School: the draft general rules of civil law and the codification of civil code. There are many teachers, students, do not know if there are any undergraduates, do not know if you have not concerned about the legislative work of the Civil Code. As a law school teacher should pay attention to this civil legislation, this is a major event in the history of China’s civil legislation, but also a major event in Chinese history. It is a very important memory in our life that we experience such a process in person. If in the future in our Civil Code left our teachers and students of Sichuan University Law School opinions,
摘 要  民法典编纂可谓法学界盛事,而民法总则作为整个民法典的基石和脉络梳理大纲自然十分重要。我国《民法总则》立法工作正式启动于2015年9月法工委召开的民法总则草案专家讨论会,历经2016年审议稿三次公开征集意见,终于得以通过,只待其生效适用。《民法总则》于制定修改期间,在体例结构、规范内容、条文取舍等方面,经历了数次重大调整,涉及文字表述方面的修订更是数以百计。而民法总则的终于通过,也意味着我