Five Internal Performance Priorities of Operations Strategy

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  Abstract:Neely’s approach to Operations strategy and Order Winners and Order Qualifiers,considering the five internal performance priorities:cost,quality,dependability,flexibility and speed.This he article will give an explanation of the five internal performance priorities.
  Key words:Neely’s approach 5 internal performance priorities
  HHill(1993)identified certain competitive factors which firms could use to both tender for and then win business.He called these terms order qualifying and order winning factors respectively.
  Cost,Within the category of costs Neely(2008)suggests there are five main cost factors,namely,Manufacturing costs(MC),Value added,Selling price,Running cost(RC),Service cost(SC).As for the manufacturing firm,the customers pay more attention to MC,RC,and SC.MC refers to the actual cost of making the product or delivering a service.It is all the direct costs associated with the operations activity.Particularly in business-to-business(B2B)markets,customers often have a very clear view of what the cost structure of their supplier is likely to be as they can benchmark one supplier against another.The RC refers to how much it will cost the buy to use and operate whatever they have purchased.For instance,this is a major concern of many buyers in the transportation industry.Bus companies and haulage contractors want to know how much it will cost them to run the vehicles that they operate.SC:Some products,such as motor cars,may need regular maintenance and servicing,which has to be paid for.
  Quality,the quality of a product or service is almost certainly one of the most important criteria for customers to evaluate,both before and after purchase.Neely’s(2008)categorization of quality criteria is Performance,Features,Consistency,Conformance,Technical durability,Serviceability,Aesthetics,Perceived quality,Value for money.As for the customers,the quality of products is remembered long after the price is forgotten.The global automotive industry was transformed by ensuring that components could be made to specified tolerances using process-capable equipment,leading to new standards of reliability and trouble free service.These lessons on quality are slowly being assimilated by other industries,but the drive for perfection is a journey that takes many years of commitment from everyone in your company,working to implement continuous improvements that,when combined,make a significant contribution.
  Flexibility,Neely(2008)has expanded these as follows:Material quality,Output quality,New product,Modified product,Deliverability,Volume,Mix,Resource mix.For the manufacturing sector,customers focus on output quality and new product.No matter what raw material the company chooses,however,the output quality contacts the customers directly.New product,it goes without saying,it is one of the most significant competitive factors,the more new products you can produce,the more customers you can attract.   Dependability,Neely’s types of dependability are Schedule adherence,Delivery performance,Price performance,Ability to keep promises.(2008)Nowadays,both the consumers and the manufacturers have to be safety conscious.Meanwhile,the ability to keep promises can keep the firm win the loyal customers.It is no doubt,ensure that the produts’ user comes to no harm is also the vital factor which customer focus on.
  Speed,Delivering high quality products on time and in the correct numbers remains fundamental to sustaining customer focused businesses.According to Neely(2008)there are five forms of speed:Quote generation,Delivery speed,Delivery frequency,Production speed,New product development speed.For the manufacturing sector,customers incline to pay close attention to the new product development.It is decided to whether the company can win more customers in a short time.(Cooper,R.G.1996)
  Cooper,R.G.(1996)Overhauling the new product process.Ind.Marketing Managmt,25,465-482.
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  Wikipedia “Safty Culture”[online]Available at:http:// culture
摘 要:气象作为战场环境中最具变化性的一种因素,历来在战争中具有重要地位和作用。在未来作战中,复杂的气象条件对战场感知、火力打击、部队机动、作战保障等仍具有重要影响。只有充分认识气象环境的特点规律,加强气象情报保障,善于抓住有利时机有效利用气象环境,才能在复杂战场环境中趋利避害,赢得主动。  关键词:气象;战场环境;战争  气象就是大气的状态和现象,是战场环境中最具变化性的一种因素,不同的气象环境
摘要:教学策略指的是老师在教学的过程中,为了更好的帮助学生们掌握好数学知识所采用的一种或者几种教学方法。随着而教育制度的改革,老师也逐渐注重发挥教学方法的最大效益。在小学数学的教学上,很多数学老师由于教学方法的单一和教学模式的过于保守,学生们的学习的积极性得不到明显的提升,课堂参与度比较低。为了更好的优化小学数学的课堂,本论文对小学数学课堂教学的优化提出了几点策略  关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;优
不经意间,我已当了27年的人民教师。这些年来,我一直认为尊重是营造和谐班级环境的必要条件,尊重是社会和谐的基础,但尊重是相互的,绝不是单方面的。  关于尊重,马斯洛在1943年出版的《人类激励理论》一书中,首次提出需求层次理论,认为人类有五个层次的需要,尊重是第四级需要。  人人都希望自己有稳定的社会地位,要求个人的能力和成就得到社会的承认。我希望我的学生不仅能在学校学到知识,更要学会做人,学会尊
摘要:在开展幼儿园数学教学活动的过程中,幼儿教师必须把生活化教学重视起来,调动幼儿的学习兴趣以及积极性,让幼儿在輕松愉悦的氛围中学习数学知识。因此本文主要对基于生活化的幼儿园数学教学进行了深入探究。  关键词:幼儿园;数学教学;生活化  数学是一门抽象性的学科,在实际教学中如果与我们的生活结合到一起开展教学活动,一定会起到事半功倍的效果。幼儿由于年龄较小,很难长时间集中注意力,但是他们对一些新鲜事
摘要:伴随着新课改的不断深化和发展,我们的教学方式正在不断地创新。传统的教学模式已经无法满足学生学习的需求。新的课堂教学要求认识到学生的主体性,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,同时新课改要求培养学生的合作力、探究力和自学能力。而小组合作这种学习模式对于培养学生的能力有着重要的作用。作为一名高中化学教师要能够在课堂中有效的开展小组合作教学,构建高中高效的化学课堂。  关键词:小组合作;高中化学;化学教学 
摘要:在当前的社会中,飞速发展的经济,给我们的生活带来了极大的便利条件。在教学的过程中,教师应重视生活方式变革带来的影响,更好地找到培养学生的正确方式,发挥学校的育人作用。  关键词:生活方式;变革;价值观行为;特征  随着我国市场经济的不断繁荣,各种高新技术层出不穷,给人们的生活带来了很多便利,现代文明的生活方式得到了一定的展现。人作为社会中的个体,也有了显著的特征。生活方式的变革也影响到了学生
摘要:提问是高中数学课堂中一个重要的环节,也是师生进行互动的主要表现,其中包括教师对学生的提问以及学生问教师一些不懂的数学知识。高中数学课堂提问是优化课堂教学的必要手段之一,也是教师教学艺术的重要组成部分。  关键词:高中数学;课堂提问;有效性思考  学习是一个提出问题,分析问题,最终解决问题的过程。这个过程从提出问题开始,由此可见,提出问题在学习过程中有着重要的地位。但是,在高中数学教学实际课堂
摘要:田径作为初中体育课堂的重点内容之一,贯穿于整个初中体育教学过程。在以往的体育课堂上,重复枯燥的体育训练方式严重影响了学生的积极性,也影响了田径的教学效果。利用游戏与田径相结合的教学方式,可以有效的提高田径技术的教学效果。在田径教学的准备活动基础教学环节,以及结束部分中应用游戏教学方法可以有效提高体育田径的训练效果。  关键词:初中体育;田径教学;游戏教学法  在传统的田径体育课堂上,让学生不