Located in Longdong loess plateau Qingyang Prefecture Agricultural Institute, altitude 1421.9 meters, the annual average precipitation 551 mm, equal to or greater than 5 mm annual precipitation 31.8 days, January average temperature of -5.7 ℃, the absolute minimum temperature of -22.4 ℃. Soil mostly black soil, slightly alkaline. Droughts and drought is the region’s agricultural climate characteristics. Winter wheat is the main food crop in Qingyang. The sown area is about 3 million mu per year, accounting for more than 60% of the total grain crop area in the region. How the winter wheat production is going to have a decisive effect on the food situation and people’s livelihood throughout the year. Production and breeding of winter wheat is one of my major research tasks. Since the beginning of the establishment, due to the infertile land and extensive cultivation, the varieties are seriously aged and mixed with low yields of wheat and only about one hundred pounds per mu. In the early 1960s, cultivating cultivated land was improved by quoting and breeding fine varieties