
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:justinviva
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习近平总书记在河南兰考指导第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动时讲话指出:“焦裕禄同志是人民的好公仆、是县委书记的榜样,焦裕禄精神过去是、现在是、将来仍然是我们党的宝贵精神财富。”笔者结合学习习总书记讲话精神,站在党员领导干部、石油工人、宣传思想工作者、国家公民四个不同定位,对学习把握好焦裕禄精神实质进行了思考和理解。作为党员领导干部,要把学习焦裕禄精神与把握教育实践活动本质要求统一起来 General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his Lankao, Henan guide the second batch of the party’s mass line education practice activities: “Comrade Jiao Yulu is a good public servant of the people and an example for county party secretaries. The spirit of Jiao Yu-lu is, is, is, and will continue to be our party ”The author combined with studying and learning the general secretary speech spirit, standing party members and leading cadres, oil workers, propaganda and ideological workers, national citizens in four different positions, to learn to grasp the spiritual essence of Jiao Yulu thinking and understanding. As the leading cadres of party members, we must unify the study of Jiao Yu’s spirit and the requirement of grasping the essence of educational practice