【机 构】
【出 处】
Awareness of breast cancer risk factors and practice of breast self examination among female undergr
Breast cancer patients generally have low rates of survival due to being diagnosed at advanced stages raising critical issues about prevention and avoidance of
While the nursing community generally agrees that the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree will strengthen nursing as an academic discipline, there is lit
The effect of protective genital care protocol on preventing diaper dermatit development in 0 - 18 m
Diaper dermatit is among the widely seen inflamatory skin diseases in neonatals and small 0 - 18 month old children. Control of causative agents as well as prov
Although awareness of cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the leading cause of death among U.S. women has improved over the past decade, factors such as obesity, un
通过烟草丛顶病中间寄主、烟蚜传毒特性及重要物理性状的试验,得出烟草丛顶病毒的寄主范围是茄科植物;烟蚜的最短传毒时间为2 min,最短获毒时间为1 h,蚜虫的传毒持久期在9 d
The relationships among critical thinking disposition, caring behavior, and learning styles in stude
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships among disposition toward critical thinking, learning styles, and caring behaviors in student nurses
<正> 淄博市临淄区皇城镇南卧石村位于淄博市最东北边缘,东临青州,北接广饶,与寿光毗邻。全村共有670户,2400余口人,总耕地面积370多公顷。十几年来,该村立足蔬菜大棚做文章,