
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yang123jun123hui
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特殊教育学校的聋生和盲生,在受到挫折后,因交流受阻,更会长时间被失败的情绪所困扰,从而导致情绪不稳定,有时甚至产生某些心理疾病或走向极端的现象。因此,作为特殊教育工作者,我们一定要适时地对聋生盲生进行挫折教育。一、两措并举,帮助学生树立自信心一方面,许多盲生和聋生都存在着自卑心理,认为自己听不见、看不见,能力天生就比别人差;另一方面又有许多盲生和聋生都存在着依赖心理,认为自己是弱势群体,理应由父母、教师和社会来解决自己所面对的挫折与困难。针对盲生和聋生都存在 Deaf students and blind students in special education schools, frustrated by their frustration, may be haunted by the frustration of being prolonged for a long time, resulting in emotional instability and sometimes psychological illness or extremes. Therefore, as a special education worker, we must make a timely setback to blind students of deaf education. On the one hand, many blind students and deaf students are experiencing inferiority, think they can not hear, can not see, their ability is worse than others; on the other hand, they have many blind students and Deaf students are dependent on the psychological, that they are vulnerable groups, parents, teachers and the community should be to solve their own setbacks and difficulties. For blind students and deaf students exist