
来源 :中国社区医师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vergillove
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1994年2月3日房纪要。主任 请实习医师报告病历。实习生 患者,男,62岁,因胸闷、胸腹痛1天于1994年2月3日入院。患者高血压10年,平素经常服用复方降压片、心痛定、卡托普利、丹参片,速效救心丸等多种药物,但近期未服用降压药,于1天前突然出现胸骨后撕裂样疼痛,同时伴有背痛、腹痛、呼吸困难、胸闷、面色苍白、大汗淋漓。自认为是:心绞痛发作,立即含化硝酸甘油、0.6mg,心痛定10mg,速效救心丸15粒,20分钟后胸腹疼减轻但仍未缓解,于夜间腹部阵痛1次,但很快又消失,其间曾眼心痛定 February 3, 1994 Room summary. The director asked the intern to report the medical record. Intern patient, male, 62 years old, was admitted to hospital on February 3, 1994 due to chest tightness and thoracic and abdominal pain for 1 day. Patients with hypertension for 10 years, usually taking regular antihypertensive tablets, nifedipine, captopril, Salvia tablets, quick save heart pills and other drugs, but not taking antihypertensive drugs recently, suddenly appeared in a day before the sternal tear Slices of pain, accompanied by back pain, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, pale, sweating. Since that is: angina pectoris, immediately containing nitroglycerin, 0.6mg, nifedipine 10mg, quick save heart pill 15, 20 minutes after the reduction of abdominal and abdominal pain has not yet alleviated, abdominal pain at night 1, but soon disappeared In the meantime, I had a hard time fixing my eyes