北京时间2011年2月11日18:00,第54届世界新闻摄影比赛(WPP)——“荷赛奖”获奖作品在荷兰阿姆斯特丹揭晓。南非女摄影师乔迪·比波(Jodi Bieber)的摄影作品《阿富汗割鼻少女》当选为年度图片。这个世界依旧很残忍2009年,艾莎不堪被夫家当成奴隶,还长期遭受凌虐,最后决定离家出走,但不久后就被警方逮捕,并判刑5个月。但她的厄运并未在服刑期满后解脱,事后,她丈夫又向塔利班指控她逃离家中的行为“让家族蒙羞”。因此,艾莎竟然被小叔压制在地,并由丈夫亲手行刑,割掉她的鼻子与双耳,最后还将她遗弃在山区,打算让她自生自灭。不过,当地“声援阿富汗妇女组
Beijing time at 18:00 on February 11, 2011, the 54th World Press Photo Contest (WPP) - ”Lotus Award “ winning entries announced in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. South African female photographer Jodi Bieber’s photo shoot ”Afghan girl cutting“ was elected the annual picture. The world is still cruel In 2009, Aisha could not afford to be her husband as a slave, but also long-term abuse, the final decision to run away from home, but soon after the police arrested and sentenced to 5 months. However, her doom was not relieved after her sentence was served, and her husband later told the Taliban to let her escape from her home ”to shame the family.“ Therefore, Aisha was even suppressed by the little uncle on the ground, and her husband personally executed, cut off her nose and ears, and finally abandoned her in the mountains, intending to let her go its distance. However, the local ”solidarity with Afghan women’s groups