在CIF合同买方先行支付全额货款的情况下,正确运用动产所有权的转移方法,对于保护CIF合同买方的合法权益至关重要。当CIF(Cost insurance and Freight)合同买方已全额支付货款的情况下,由于货物仍处于卖方的控制之中,买方并没有实际控制货物,因而仍然存在丧失货物所有权的风险。实践中,经常会出现虽然货款已付,但货物仍会被不知情的第三人以向申请法院诉讼保全的方式加以扣押,甚
In the event that the buyer of a CIF contract pays for the full payment in advance, the proper application of the transfer of ownership of the movable property is essential for the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer of the CIF contract. When the buyer of the CIF (Cost of Insurance and Freight) contract paid the purchase price in full, there was a risk of losing the ownership of the goods because the goods were still under the control of the seller and the buyer did not actually control the goods. In practice, it is often the case that, although the purchase price has been paid, the goods will still be seized by uninformed third parties in a manner that preserves the application for court action