我的舅舅(退役前是国民党军空军少将联队长,尊重本人意愿,隐去真名)祖籍重庆,自台湾当局开放民众赴大陆探亲以来,年年飞返大陆探望众多的亲友。在特地回老家庆贺70寿辰期间,他曾悔恨地谈起了40多年前参与蒋军空军轰炸上海的一次军事行动,给无辜的人民造成重大的生命财产损失……值此海峡两岸由对峙到对话之时,他真诚希望国共双方化干戈为玉帛,不再发生骨肉相残的悲剧。 下面即是我舅父的一段回忆——
My uncle (retired former KMT Air Force Major General, respect my wishes, conceal his real name) ancestral home in Chongqing, since the Taiwan authorities opened to the Mainland to visit their relatives, flew back to the mainland every year to visit many of their relatives and friends. During his special return to his hometown to celebrate his 70th birthday, he had regretfully talked about a military operation involving Chiang Kai-shek’s air force more than 40 years ago in bombing Shanghai and inflicting heavy losses of life and property to innocent people ... On this cross-Strait dialogue from confrontation to At the same time, he sincerely hoped that both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party will do their best to end the unlucky tragedy. Below is my uncle’s memories -