Patient summary Male, 34 years old. Due to edema, proteinuria repeated progressive aggravating 12 years, slightly blood one day in March 19, 1979 emergency admission. Patients have had facial edema and proteinuria since 1968. From 1970 onwards, the disease often repeated. The end of 1978, after exertion, severe headache, nausea, mouth odor, blood pressure 150/110 mm Hg. Early March 1979, in a fever, diarrhea edema worsened, higher blood pressure. On March 15 to our hospital clinic examination: ESR 126 mm / h; urine specific gravity 1.010; phenol red excretion test: 2 hours total amount of 0; isotope kidney diagram bilateral curve is flat. Blood urea nitrogen 127 mg%. March 19 morning suddenly a lot of cough and epistaxis more than nose, then hospitalized. The patient had bronchial iodine oil imaging in 1967 due to repeated cough, cough purulent sputum and bloody sputum, diagnosing “right lower bronchiectasis.”