Effect of testicular capsulotomy on secretion of testosterone and gonadotrophins in rats

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:casterisme
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Aim: In order to clarify further the mechanisms underlying the effect of capsulotomy on testicular function, the lev-els of testosterone, LH and FSH were observed. Methods: Intratesticular testosterone levels and LH, FSH levelsin the peripheral blood of normal, sham-operated and capsulotomized rats were detected by RIA. Results: Aftertesticular capsulotomy, there was a progressive reduction in the testosterone level in the testicular venous blood togetherwith a progressive increase in the LH and FSH levels in the peripheral blood from approximately 30 days post-capsuloto-my. Morphological changes were observed at 5-10 days after capsulotomy, i. e., far ahead of the hormonal changes.Conclusion: The seminiferous tubular damage after testicular capsulotomy was not caused by the reduction in testos-terone, and on the contrary, the hormonal change might be secondary to the morphological alterations. The increase inLH level most likely resulted from a negative feedback influence from the lowered testosterone Methods: Intratesticular testosterone levels and LH, FSH levels in the peripheral blood of normal, sham-operated and capsulotomized rats were detected by RIA. Results: Aftertesticular capsulotomy, there was a progressive reduction in the testosterone level in the testicular venous blood together with a progressive increase in the LH and FSH levels in the peripheral blood from approximately 30 days post-capsuloto-my . Morphological changes were observed at 5-10 days after capsulotomy, ie, far ahead of the hormonal changes. Confclusion: The seminiferous tubular damage after testicular capsulotomy was not caused by the reduction in testos-terone, and on the contrary, the hormonal change might be secondary to the morphological alterations. The increase inLH level most likely died from a negative feedback influence from the low ered testosterone
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