Frost blight 1. Symptoms. The disease is a fungal disease, the main hazards of fruit, but also endanger the spikes and young leaves. Plant damage, the disease was water-like, brown, white mildew on the surface of the pathogen of the original cause of decay, fruit decay or dry. Continuous rainy weather, temperature 22 ~ 25 ℃, high humidity, poor ventilation and light orchards rapid onset, especially in the fruit coloring, the serious disease. 2. Prevention methods. After harvesting fruit garden in a timely manner, pruning, reducing the source of initial infection. Before and after flowering, especially during the fruit coloration period, it was treated with 500 times of 90% ethofinite, 600 times of 25% reesei, 58% of rebemycin and manganese of 400 times, 64% of “antivirus” 600 Times and other agents spraying 3 to 4 times. Rational fertilization, to