The Chinese model should be a normative model from its defining characteristics. Although the status quo in China still can not bring real challenges to the capitalist world system that has continuously lost its legitimacy in the crisis and the destruction of the natural environment of mankind, the Chinese model is still expected to become a socialist choice. In China, three successive movements have historically prepared for the formation of this model: anti-colonial state liberation and social revolution, mass-line social mobilization against the anti-Stalinist bureaucratic bureaucratic model, and anti-capitalist The Integration of Socialist Market Exploration. A basic historical experience gained by both the Mao Zedong era and the reform period is how to concentrate power on government and policy decisions without losing the interests of the people and the people. Therefore, the Chinese model will become a revolutionary representative of the past: a highly autonomous and democratic developing country; a political economy that is driven by demand rather than profit and thus away from its dependence and developmentism and local self-determination and state coordination A participatory society supported by comprehensive social security and social self-management. One of the theoretical premises of this model is that capitalist industrial civilization is not universal, but rather specific. However, the Chinese model is not a cultural concept as opposed to the West, but a political construction of international significance in defeating the rules of globalization of capitalism.