世界最大化妆品集团欧莱雅的控股权将归属于谁正成为一道待解的谜题2014年,世界最大化妆品集团欧莱雅的控股权将归属于谁正成为一道待解的谜题。近40年来,全球最大的食品集团雀巢持有欧莱雅29.3%的股权,一直是欧莱雅的第二大股东。按照协议,到2014年前,雀巢具有收购欧莱雅第一大股东、创始人女儿莉莉安·贝当古(Liliane Bettencourt)家族股份的优先权。不过,贝当古家族近日明确表示,没有出售所持欧莱雅30.5%股份或改变集团股东结构的计划。欧莱雅首席执行官Jean-
Ownership of L’Oreal, the world’s largest cosmetics group, will be attributed to who is becoming a puzzle to be solved In 2014, the controlling stake in L’Oreal, the world’s largest cosmetics group, will be attributed to who is becoming a puzzle to be solved. For nearly 40 years, Nestle, the world’s largest food group, has a 29.3% stake in L’Oreal and has been the second largest shareholder in L’Oreal. According to the agreement, by 2014, Nestle had the priority of acquiring a family stake in Liliane Bettencourt, the daughter of L’Oreal’s largest shareholder and founder. However, the Betancourt family recently made it clear that there is no plan to sell its 30.5% stake in L’Oreal or change the structure of the group’s shareholders. L’Oreal CEO Jean-