据《Microwave & RF》1989年6月号刊载,美国德克萨斯仪器公司中央研究实验室的B.Kim等报道了一种能在毫米波波段有较高功率密度输出的量子阱器件,它可望成为新型毫米波功率器件.这种量子阱器件是含有未掺杂Al_(0 .4)Ga_(0.6)As半绝缘顶层的量子阱MISFET结构.其顶层下的InGaAs形成的沟道具有良好的电子输运特性.由于栅漏击穿电压较高,故该器件可作为毫米波波段的功率器件.器件栅长0.25μm,栅宽50或75μm.
According to “Microwave & RF” published in June 1989, B.Kim et al. From Central Research Laboratory of Texas Instruments Inc. reported a quantum well device capable of outputting high power density in the millimeter wave band Is expected to become a new type of millimeter-wave power device.This kind of quantum well device is a quantum well MISFET structure containing undoped Al_ (0.6) Ga_ (0.6) As semi-insulating top layer.The channel formed by InGaAs under its top layer has good Of the electron transport characteristics of the device. Due to the high gate-to-drain breakdown voltage, the device can be used as a power device in the millimeter-wave band, with a gate length of 0.25μm and a gate width of 50 or 75μm.