(一) ‘人民代表會議或人民代表大會是新中國最根本的政權制度。’(北京人民日報社論‘必須開好各界人民代表會議’)在這一莊嚴的人民民主政權建設的指導原則之下,雲南全省先後普遍地召開了與正在召開着縣各界人民代表會議。從三月下旬到五月底,已召開過人民代表會議的,除昆明市外,现在所知道的共有三十七個縣份(實際上尚不祇此數)。這就是楚雄專區的楚雄、祿豐、鹽豐、鹽興、大姚、姚安、廣通、鎮南、牟定、永仁十縣;玉溪專區的玉溪、河西、晉甯、峨山,新平、江川、呈貢七縣;蒙自專區的石屏、元江二縣;武定專區的武定、祿勸、昆明三縣;曲靖專區的曲靖、宣威二縣;昭通專區的昭通、會澤、大關、巧家四縣;宜良專區的宜良、陸良、羅平三縣;大理專區的雲龍、永平二縣及下關鎮;文山專區的文山縣;麗江專區的鹤慶、劒川二縣;其中有些縣份已開過二次,而玉溪、晉
(1) ’The people’s congress or the people’s congress is the most fundamental regime of new China. Under the guiding principle of the establishment of a solemn people’s democratic government, the Yunnan province has successively convened and held a meeting of people’s deputies from all walks of life in the county under the guidance of the People’s Daily of Beijing. From late March to the end of May, a total of 37 counties, except for Kunming, have already been convened by the people’s congress (in fact, not only this number). This is the Chuxiong area Chuxiong, Lufeng, salt abundance, Yan Xing, Dayao, Yaoan, Guangtong, Zhennan, Mouding, Yongren ten counties; Yuxi Prefecture of Yuxi, Hexi, Jinning, Asan, Xinping, Jiangchuan, Chenggong seven counties; Mengzi area of the screen, Yuanjiang two counties; Wuding area of Wuding, Luquan, Kunming three counties; Qujing area Qujing, Xuanwei two counties; Zhaotong area Zhaotong, Huize, large Lianshan and Qiaojia four counties; Yiliang, Luliang and Luoping counties in Yiliang area; Yunlong and Yongping No. 2 counties and Xiaguan towns in Dali area; Wenshan counties in Wenshan prefecture; Heqing and Xichuan counties in Lijiang prefecture; Some of these counties have already opened twice, while Yuxi and Jin