十一、[社会抚养费的具体征收、缴纳方式] 是指社会抚养费如何征收、如何上缴的规定。 《社会抚养费征收管理办法》对社会抚养费征收、缴纳方式授权各省、自治区、直辖市根据各自的实际情况具体规定。但各省、自治区、直辖市在作出征收、缴纳方式的具体规定时,立该坚持行政事业性收费“收支两条线”原则。在这个原则下,既可以规定一种征缴方式,也可以规定数种征缴方式;既可以规定由当事人直接到指定的代理国库业务的金融机构
11, [Specific collection and payment of social support] refers to the regulations on how to collect and support social support payments. The Measures for the Administration of Collection of Social Support Fees authorize provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government to make specific provisions on the collection and payment of social support fees according to their respective actual conditions. However, when the specific provisions of the modes of collection and payment are made by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the principle of “two lines of revenue and expenditure” should be adhered to. Under this principle, either a form of collection or a collection of several forms of collection can be provided; either the parties can be required to provide direct access to a designated financial institution acting in the state’s treasury