云南是我国化石蕴藏很丰富的地方。我国最古老的人类化石——元谋人就是在这里发现的。还有著名的禄丰龙、卞氏兽、元谋马和开远古猿也都是在这里出土的。近来,我国的古生物学者在禄丰又发现了人类的直接祖先腊玛古猿完整的下颌化石。这些都是为人们所熟悉和知道的。但是,你们知道云南也是我国“社会化石”蕴藏很丰富的地方吗? 革命导师恩格斯曾把人类现实生活中残存的原始的社会遗迹称作“社会化石”,它是帮助人们打开人类原始社会哑谜的钥匙。解放前,曾被人称作“民族博物馆”的云南,处于不同社会发展阶段的各兄弟民族的生活中,蕴藏着很宝贵的“社会化石”。在我国的科学工作者很难到达的这神话般边远的地方,却常有别有用心的外国冒险家来猎奇,并对我国少数民族,肆意加以歪曲和丑化。
Yunnan is rich in fossil deposits in our country. It is here that the oldest human fossil, Yuanmou, is found here. There are well-known Lufeng Long, Bianshi beast, Yuanmou Ma and open the ape are also unearthed here. Recently, our paleontologists in Lufeng also discovered the complete mandibular fossil of the ancient ancestor of Macaque, the human ancestor. These are for people to know and know. However, do you know that Yunnan is also a place rich in “social fossils” in our country? Engels, the revolutionary mentor, once described the primitive social relics left in the real life of mankind as “social fossils,” and it is a mystery that helps people to open primitive human society key. Before the liberation, Yunnan, once known as the “National Museum”, was home to various fraternal peoples living in different stages of social development, holding valuable “social fossils.” In this mythical and remote place that is hard for the scientific workers in our country to reach, there are often exotic and adventurous foreign adventurers who seek out curiosities and wantonly distort and vilify our ethnic minorities.