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应县木塔是我国现存最古老的高层木结构建筑,世界闻名。它建于辽清宁二年(公元1056年),距今已九百多年。木塔外形雄伟壮观,浑厚而古朴,结构严紧精密,用材合理,堪称上乘。从各层结构的处理手法上显示了辽代建筑匠师独特的技巧及特点,充分表现了古代劳动人民的高度智慧。这座世界闻名的古塔,久经风雨侵袭,并受多次地震的冲击,至今仍依 Yingxian Wooden Pagoda is the oldest high-rise wooden structure in China and it is famous all over the world. It was built in the second year of Liaoqing Ning (1056 AD) and it has been more than 900 years ago. The majestic wooden pagoda is majestic, simple and simple, with strict and precise structures and reasonable materials. The unique techniques and characteristics of the Liao Dynasty architects were displayed on the basis of the processing techniques of each floor structure, which fully demonstrated the great wisdom of the ancient working people. This world-famous ancient pagoda has experienced storms and was hit by numerous earthquakes.
安全相关机构对产品安全可接受性的认识主要取决于安全论证过程中产生的安全证明文件是否全面、准确,文章采用目标结构表示法(goal structuring notation,GSN)构建基于IEC 62
<正>一、一般资料 222例患儿中:男159,女63例,年龄最大 12岁,最小8个月,年龄平均3.5岁。病程最短 2个月,最长10年。脱垂前有腹泻84例,便秘 27例,贫血及营养不良39例,百日咳1例,
Gaussian belief propagation algorithm(GaBP) is one of the most important distributed algorithms in signal processing and statistical learning involving Markov n