Example 1, Male, 74 years old, 9 hours before the visit, sudden dizziness at reading, depending on the material rotation, vomiting, about 1 hour after vomiting, containing brown samples, the amount of about 500ml, with diplopia, standing Steady, but conscious, physical activity is normal, previous history of hypertension, no liver disease, stomach history. Not into the food that can cause occult blood. Physical examination: Bp20 / 13kPa, clear and clear language, nystagmus level of both eyes, restricted left eye abduction, left facial paralysis, limb muscle strength, muscle tone normal. Pain in the right half body slow, left upper limbs ataxia disorders. 6 hours after the head line CT examination showed that the left parietal lobe obsolete. After symptomatic treatment, 22 hours after the onset of symptoms disappear completely, the left peripheral facial paralysis, left eye abduction limited, right half-pain relief have been restored, leaving a mild level of nystagmus and left upper limb ataxia.