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近些年来中国旅游业蓬勃发展,与此同时,越来越多的旅游质量问题暴露出来。通过搜集2008年以来国内旅游业的相关指标,并联系旅游业中实际存在的弊端和问题,通过访谈和对比分析,来评价国内当前旅游业的服务质量,结果表明国内旅游业服务质量总体水平不高,而且各个地区参差不齐。为了让我国服务业更好地发展,有必要研究改善我国的旅游业服务质量的理论方法。 In recent years, China’s tourism industry has boomed. At the same time, more and more problems of tourism quality have been exposed. By collecting relevant indicators of domestic tourism since 2008, and contacting the actual shortcomings and problems in the tourism industry, interviews and comparative analyzes are conducted to evaluate the current service quality in the domestic tourism industry. The results show that the overall level of service quality in domestic tourism is not high High, and uneven in all regions. In order to make our service industry develop better, it is necessary to study the theoretical methods to improve the service quality of tourism in our country.
<正>世界上第一篇应用随机对照设计方案的论文是1948年在British MedicalJournal上发表的。作者是英国著名的生物统计学家Bradford Hill。这篇论文首次将严密的数理统计理论