肺癌是比较常见的恶性肿瘤。据本所统计,占恶性肿瘤的第五位。X 线检查是诊断肺癌最常用的方法之一,如能掌握平片肺癌的 X 线表现,就能对多数肺癌及时作出诊断。为了总结平片对肺癌的 X 线诊断效果,兹将本所成立四年来经手术或痰检癌细胞证实的158例肺癌的 X 线像分析如下:(一)临床资料:本组158例中男性132
Lung cancer is a relatively common malignancy. According to the statistics of the Institute, it accounted for the fifth place for malignant tumors. X-ray examination is one of the most commonly used methods for diagnosing lung cancer. If you can grasp the X-ray findings of plain lung cancer, you can diagnose most lung cancers in time. In order to summarize the X-ray diagnosis effect of plain film on lung cancer, the X-ray analysis of 158 cases of lung cancer confirmed by surgery or sputum cancer screening in the four years since the establishment of the Institute are as follows: (1) Clinical data: 158 cases of male in this group 132