在黄萎病圃对 3个海岛棉抗感品种、1个陆地棉高感品种及其 4个杂种后代进行了多年遗传研究。结果表明 ,海岛棉抗病品种对黄萎病的抗性遗传受单基因显性或少数主效基因控制。当抗病海岛棉品种与感病品种杂交时 ,F1代抗病均表现为显性 ,杂交组合的 F2 代群体分离除个别组合外 ,一般表现为 3∶ 1抗感病分离 ,呈现单基因或少数主效基因遗传。剖杆调查结果表明 ,棉花黄萎病发病的内部剖杆症状重于叶部 ,二者存在微弱的正相关性。
A multi-year genetic study was conducted on three island cotton resistant varieties, one high-cotton cultivated upland cotton and their four hybrid offspring in Verticillium wilt. The results showed that the resistance of Verticillium dahliae resistant cultivars to Verticillium wilt was controlled by single dominant gene or a few major genes. When the disease-resistant island cotton cultivars were crossed with susceptible cultivars, the disease resistance of F1 generation was dominant. The F2 population segregation of hybrid combinations except for individual combinations was generally characterized as 3: 1 susceptible isolates with single gene or A few major genes genetic. The results of the split-rod survey showed that the internal split-limb symptom of cotton Verticillium wilt was heavier than that of the leaf, and there was a weak positive correlation between them.