Congenital malformations are the developmental disorders of the germ cells (spermatozoa or ovum), the embryos and the fetus due to various causes, which lead to the morphological and functional abnormalities of the body at birth, generally referring to the anatomical abnormalities of the limbs and organs of the infant. Congenital deformity is a common disease in pediatric surgery. Its etiology is extensive and complicated. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as chemistry, radiation, hormones, drugs, environment and heredity, and can be caused by single disease or combined with multi-factor disease. Therefore, The cause of sexual deformity is difficult. In recent years, with the genetic etiology and molecular biology research progress, people are more and more profound understanding of the gene of congenital malformations. This article reviews the progress of genetic research on some common congenital malformations in pediatric surgery.