巴黎公社诗人鲍狄埃的著名诗句谱成曲已在世界各地传唱了130年。“让思想冲破牢笼”的号召无疑揭示了人类社会发展的源泉所在。 进入新世纪的中国。创新意识已经郑重其事地被摆到了民族兴旺发达、国家生存成败的空前高度。这就是为什么“创新”不经意间成为坊间使用频率颇高的时髦词语的原因。
The well-known poetic composition of the Paris Commune poet Bordeaux has been sung in different parts of the world for 130 years. The call to let the mind break through the cage undoubtedly reveals the source of human social development. China entering the new century The sense of innovation has been solemnly placed upon the prosperity of the nation and unprecedented successes and failures of the nation. This is why “innovation” has inadvertently become the buzzword of buzzwords in the workplace.