
来源 :青海医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hushengming1
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目的 :探讨SS、P2 1与胃癌的生物学行为、早期诊断及预后意义 ;方法 :采用免疫组化法对 52例胃癌癌灶、癌旁 2cm和 5cm处胃组织内的SS、P2 1表达进行分析 ,并对 52例进行随访 ;结果 :①胃癌癌灶、癌旁 2cm和 5cm处胃组织内存有SS ,其阳性表达率分别为 46.1 5%、57.69%和 63 .46% ,SS阳性表达者存活时期长 ,预后较好 ;②胃癌中P2 1、SS阳性表达与胃癌组织学类型、性别、年龄无明显关系 ,但与胃癌分化程度和浸润深度有关 ;胃癌分化越差 ,浸润越深 ,P2 1阳性表达越高 ,SS阳性表达则逐渐下降 ,胃癌淋巴结转移率也越高 ;③胃癌有淋巴结转移者其淋巴结数量较无转移者要多 ,存活时间且较短 ;结论 :SS、P2 1阳性表达可作为胃癌筛选、癌前病变及早期诊断的有用指标 ,并可用于临床对病人进行预后判断、疗效观察和监测病情。 Objective: To investigate the biological behaviors, early diagnosis and prognostic significance of SS, P21 and gastric cancer. Methods: Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of SS and P21 in stomach tissue at 2cm and 5cm adjacent to the tumor in 52 cases of gastric cancer. Analysis, and 52 cases were followed up; Results: 1 gastric cancer lesions, 2cm and 5cm adjacent to the stomach there are SS, the positive expression rate were 46.1 5%, 57.69% and 63.46%, SS positive expression The survival time is long and the prognosis is good; 2 The positive expression of P2 1 and SS in gastric cancer is not significantly related to the histological type, gender and age of gastric cancer, but is related to the degree of differentiation and depth of invasion of gastric cancer; the poorer differentiation and deeper invasion of gastric cancer, P2 1 The higher the positive expression, the SS positive expression gradually decreased, the higher the lymph node metastasis rate of gastric cancer; 3 The lymph node metastasis of gastric cancer had more lymph nodes than non-metastasis, and the survival time was short; Conclusion: SS, P2 1 positive Expression can be used as a useful indicator of gastric cancer screening, precancerous lesions, and early diagnosis, and can be used to clinically judge, monitor, and monitor the condition of patients.
为进行Ⅲ期临床试验提供依据,研究了三苯氧胺在未接受过化疗的晚期或复发子宫内膜癌的疗效。GOG自1987年10月~1991年6月对73例晚期或复发子宫内膜癌口服三苯氧胺20 mg 2次/d