:吕叔湘先生在《汉语语法分析问题》中为汉语复句理论的新阶段研究指明了方向、道路。近 2 0年来的汉语复句理论已呈多元化深入发展趋势。目前还存在一些有待更深入研究解决的问题。在今后的研究中 ,不能遽然取消汉语单复句的划分 ,在单复句划分的标准问题上 ,必须注重“结构·语音”标准的研究 ;在汉语复句内部系统分类问题上 ,则必须抓住分句间的语义关系深入研究 ;在复句外延范围上 ,应尽快解决好“紧缩句”的归属问题
: Mr. Lu Shuxiang pointed out the direction and the road for the new phase of Chinese complex sentence theory in “Problems of Chinese Grammar Analysis”. The theory of complex Chinese sentences in recent 20 years has been diversified and in-depth development trend. There are still some problems to be solved in more depth. In the future research, we can not cancel the division of Chinese single-complex sentences. On the standard of singular-complex sentences, we must pay attention to the research of the standard of “structure and phonetics.” On the system classification of Chinese compound sentences, we must seize the clause In-depth study of the semantic relationship between the two; in the scope of complex sentence extension, as soon as possible to solve the “tightening sentence” attribution