“Siblings” is a six-hour epic drama directed by the famous Russian director Lev Dugin. The play shows the anti-fascist war, then, the Soviet Union, the epitome of the collective farm and the suffering of people. This article analyzes the main plot and characters of the drama, discusses the connotation of the text and the creative method of the drama, and points out that this drama will focus on the situation of human beings, human tragedies and human souls. The history, the reality and the revelation of humanity are not general coverings and illustrative expressions, but a series of typical and vivid, concrete and eloquent characters and elaborate caricatures of their life details. These images carry the body temperature of life And bitter tears, but also reflects the demands of a particular era of humanity and immortal glory. Director Duo Jin shows his creative strategies and art secrets, that is concerned about the performance of people, use the theater invisible scalpel to open the fog of history, cut the phenomenon of the skin, so that the audience to see the true nature of the times And complex mechanism.