Performance analysis of a low power low noise tunable band pass filter for multiband RF front end

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xfengxue
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This paper presents a low power tunable active inductor and RF band pass filter suitable for multiband RF front end circuits. The active inductor circuit uses the PMOS cascode structure as the negative transconductor of a gyrator to reduce the noise voltage. Also, this structure provides possible negative resistance to reduce the inductor loss with wide inductive bandwidth and high resonance frequency. The RF band pass filter is realized using the proposed active inductor with suitable input and output buffer stages. The tuning of the center frequency for multiband operation is achieved through the controllable current source. The designed active inductor and RF band pass filter are simulated in 180 nm and 45 nm CMOS process using the Synopsys HSPICE simulation tool and their performances are compared. The parameters, such as resonance frequency, tuning capability, noise and power dissipation, are analyzed for these CMOS technologies and discussed. The design of a third order band pass filter using an active inductor is also presented. This paper presents a low power tunable active inductor and RF band pass filter suitable for multiband RF front end circuits. The active inductor circuit uses the PMOS cascode structure as the negative transconductor of a gyrator to reduce the noise voltage. negative resistance to reduce the inductor loss with wide inductive bandwidth and high resonance frequency. The RF band pass filter is realized using the proposed active inductor with suitable input and output buffer stages. The tuning of the center frequency for multiband operation is achieved through the controllable current source. The designed active inductor and RF band pass filter are simulated in 180 nm and 45 nm CMOS process using the Synopsys HSPICE simulation tool and their performances are. The parameters, such as resonance frequency, tuning capability, noise and power dissipation, are analyzed for these CMOS technologies and discussed. The design of a third order band pass filter using an active inductor is also presented.
与日勾结,阎锡山密谋妥协  陈述利害,王世英紧急晤阎    抗战之初,日军的凌厉攻势使阎锡山大为震惊。为了保全山西,他急忙要求八路军尽早尽快进入山西,协助他进行不出晋境的抗战。在这一阶段,阎锡山与共产党八路军的合作是积极的,取得很多战果。但是当抗战进入相持阶段后,阎锡山开始变脸。为了“存在”,他设法从对日妥协中寻找出路。与此同时,日本方面出于进一步侵华的需要,也在寻找机会对阎锡山实施诱降活动。于是