1990年夏、秋两季我们对吉林省通化市县、市70家旅店进行茶具消毒效果调查。茶具细菌总数、大肠菌群参照省公共场所有关标准。 70家旅店的茶具有97%使用药物消毒,73%的茶具做到一客一消毒。仅有20%的旅店设有专门使用的消毒间。国营、集体和个体旅店的茶具消毒合
1990 summer, autumn, two seasons we Tonghua City, Jilin Province, 70 hotels for tea disinfection effect survey. The total number of bacteria tea, coliform reference provincial public places standards. Seventy percent of the hotel’s tea has 97% sterilized with medication and 73% of its tea sets are disinfected. Only 20% of the hotels have purpose-built sterilization rooms. State-owned, collective and individual hotel tea disinfection