我爱闺蜜 闺蜜照的风格化与市场化

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闺蜜,是那个陪你一起哭,一起疯,一起闹,一起吐槽,一起腐败,一起成长的玩伴;是可以推心置腹,无话不谈,分享所有心事的闺中密友;是你可以骂,可以吼,可以发脾气的发小、同学、死党……闺蜜,已经成为这个年代最贴心、最温暖的女性好友代名词。发现年轻人的心思,让每一次市场创新、技术创新的尝试都变成社会文化现象,就是创新。 Girlfriends, that is to accompany you to cry, crazy together, together trouble, Tucao together, together with the corrupt, growing up playmates; can push their hearts, nothing to talk about, to share all the thoughts of the boudoir close friends; yes you can curse, you can Roar, temper hair can be made small, classmates, buddies ... girlfriends, has become the most intimate, warmth of this era of female friend pronoun. The discovery of young people’s minds, so that every market innovation, technological innovation attempts have become a social and cultural phenomenon, that is, innovation.
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62岁的老王退休后返聘到一家私营企业当会计,每天事情都排得满当当,早出晚归,很是辛苦。这天上午整完一笔账,站起来时突然感到一阵眩晕,两条腿沉得挪不动。勉强走到门口,遇到老板的司机小何,感觉说话也有些含糊。小何赶忙把他扶上车,送到医院,脑CT检查发现有多处小梗塞灶,诊断为腔隙性脑梗塞。  腔隙性脑梗塞为脑深部的微小穿支动脉发生闭塞,引起小范围脑组织的缺血性病变,是脑梗塞的一种特殊类型。梗塞灶多位于脑
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