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最近,某县发生了这样两件事,一件事是在一家砖厂打工的李某上班开机切土砖坯时,发现切割机的皮带轮只打滑不转动,就用手去拉动皮带,不料,皮带轮突然转动,将其右手除拇指外其余四指全部挤断。同时,该机器也被李某不由自主地推倒,从高处落下去砸坏了一台正在工作的变压器。李某被送往医院治疗,治疗期间,到医院看望他的工友告诉他:“咱们厂长在职工大会上狠狠地批评了你,说你违章作业造成右手伤残,企业不负责任,还要让你赔偿被砸坏的变压器。”李某听了以后十分害怕,心想自己才来砖厂工作不到一年,除去生活费,所剩无几,哪还有钱支付医疗费和赔偿变压器。于是,在尚未治疗终结的情况下,就偷偷地溜出医院返回了家。另一件事是,刘某等三人在一家个体鞋厂给布鞋上胶底,胶底上好后要放在木炭火的炉膛内烘烤。一天晚上,三个人都没注意,从炉膛内进出的火星引燃了炉旁的布条,并造成存放的汽油燃烧,刘某等三人均被严重烧伤,住进了医院。 Recently, a county occurred in such two things, one thing is working in a brick factory Lee turned on the soil cut brick, and found that the cutting machine pulley only slippery does not rotate, to manually pull the belt, unexpectedly, the pulley Suddenly turn, the right hand in addition to the thumb outside the remaining four fingers all squeezed. At the same time, the machine was also Lee involuntarily pushed down from the top to smash a working transformer. Lee was taken to the hospital for treatment, during the treatment, to the hospital to see his coworker told him: “Our factory director severely criticized you at the general assembly of workers, that you illegal operation caused by the right handicapped, irresponsible business, But also let you compensate for the broken transformer. ”Lee listened after very scared, thinking he came to the brick factory work less than a year, except for living expenses, what is left, where there is money to pay medical expenses and compensation transformer. So, in the case of treatment has not yet ended, sneaked out of the hospital to return home. Another thing is that Ryu and other three in an individual shoe factory to glue shoes at the end of glue on the good after the charcoal fire to be placed in the furnace bake. One night, none of the three people paid attention to the fact that the incoming and outgoing Mars from the furnace ignited the strips of cloth beside the furnace and caused the stored gasoline to burn. All three were severely burned and admitted to the hospital.
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一枚阿里安娜40火箭应于1998年3月20日夜间至21日从圭亚那空间中心升空以便把法国的Spot-4卫星送入822km高的极地轨道。这颗卫星重2755kg,其中1390 kg为有效载荷(高分辨率可