一、导言 吕叔湘先生在《汉语语法分析问题》和《关于‘语言单位的同一性’等等》两文(载吕叔湘《汉语语法论文集》1984年版增订本)中,分别说过以下几段话:“汉语的语素和汉字,多数是一对一的关系,但是也有别种情况。语音、语义、字形这三样的异同互相搭配,共有八种可能:……以上所说的三个问题的情况,都是在一定程度上简单化了的。实际情况比这复杂,疑难问题是不少的。”(490—491页)“语素的分析比音素的分析复杂……在下面的讨论中我们不得不利用现成的‘字’字。”(396—397页)“汉字的写法对我们的想法有很大的影响。”(398页)“没有办法,讨论汉语的时候回避不了这个‘字’字。”(413页注②)
I. INTRODUCTION Mr Lv Shuxiang said in the articles entitled “Problems of Chinese Grammar Analysis” and “About the Identity of Language Units, etc.” (updated version of 1984 edition of Chinese grammar essays by Lu Shuxiang) : “Most Chinese morphemes and Chinese characters are mostly one-to-one, but there are other kinds of situations. There are eight possibilities for the three similarities and differences in speech, semantics and glyphs: ... The three problems The situation is somewhat simplified, the actual situation is more complicated than this, and difficult problems are numerous. ”(490-491)“ Morpheme analysis is more complicated than the analysis of phonemes ... In the following discussion, we (396-397) ”The writing of Chinese characters has a great influence on our thinking.“ (P. 398) ”There is no way to avoid this word when discussing Chinese, Word. "(Page 413, note ②)