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斯坦利·I.柯特勒是美国威斯康星大学(麦迪逊)美国史与美国制度讲座教授,也是《美国历史评论》杂志创始人和主编,并任约翰斯·霍普金斯大学《美国史丛书》顾问编辑。他多次到国外讲学,曾三次访问我国。他的著作很丰富,其中很重要的一种,就是这本《美国八大冤假错案研究》(原名《美国政府的严酷审讯》)。此书出版于一九八二年, Stanley I. Kotler is a professor of American history and the American system at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and a founder and editor of the American Historical Review. He is also the author of Johns Hopkins University’s American History Series Consultant Editor. He has lectured abroad many times and has visited China three times. His writings are very rich, and one of the most important ones is the “Study on the Eight Unjust Fraudulent Cases in America” ​​(formerly known as “the harsh interrogation by the U.S. government”). This book was published in 1982,
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