面对近期戏曲艺术实践中出现的戏曲加歌舞之风愈演愈烈 ,本文认为有必要对“以歌舞演故事”的论断再作深入研究。并从戏曲中故事与歌舞的独特关系 ;戏曲的歌舞是融入体内还是浮在体外 ;歌舞结构与戏剧结构是和谐统一还是分割拼合 ;歌舞是集于戏曲演员一身还是在外或另有其人 ;以及演出的“经济”与“铺张”等方面 ,论述了以歌舞演故事与戏曲加歌舞的本质差异
In the face of the drama and song and dance styles appearing in the practice of drama and drama in the near future, the style of singing and dancing becomes more and more intense. This paper thinks it is necessary to make further study on the thesis of “story of song and dance”. And the unique relationship between the story and the song and dance in the drama; whether the song and dance of the opera blend in or out of the body; whether the song and dance structure and the theater structure are harmoniously united or divided; the song and dance are collected by the opera performers or are they outside or otherwise; The “economic” and “extravagant” performance of the show elaborated on the essential differences between the songs and dances and the drama and song and dance