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茶毛虫(Euproctis conspersa Butler)一名茶毒蛾,土名茶痒辣子,是我国茶叶生产上的最大敌害,幼虫吃食青叶,降低茶叶产量和品质。根据历年为害情况估计,在湖南每年因茶毛虫为害,茶叶减产达20%,个别地区高达40%以上。严重发生地区,进入茶园时,可听到喳喳吃叶声,甚至不见一片青叶,茶农不能进入茶园,严重威胁茶农生活和茶园管理,影响国家茶叶生产任务。因此,消灭茶毛虫是保证茶叶增产, Euproctis conspersa Butler Euproctis conspersa Butler is a tea poisonous moth that is famous for its tea production. Larvae eat green leaf and reduce the yield and quality of tea. According to the pest damage over the years estimated that in Hunan each year due to the damage of tea caterpillars, tea yield reduction of 20%, up to 40% in some areas. Seriously in the area, when entering the tea plantation, you can hear the eating of leaves without even a leaf of green tea, tea farmers can not enter the tea garden, a serious threat to tea farmers living and tea plantation management, affecting the national tea production tasks. Therefore, the elimination of tea caterpillars is to ensure that tea yield,