两千多年以来,中斯两国人民跨越千山万水,共筑友谊之路,留下了许多动人佳话。如今,将又一次在共建“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的契机之下,心手相连。变化多样的地貌及生态,多元的文化,金色的沙滩,飞流直下的瀑布,怡人的自然风景……“这里是斯里兰卡。”斯里兰卡驻华大使卡鲁纳塞纳·科迪图瓦库(Dr.Karunasena Kodituwakku)自豪地指着地图说道。地图上的斯里兰卡,如同印度
For more than two thousand years, the people of both China and Sri Lanka have made great strides in building friendship across the country and leaving many moving stories. Now, once again, they will be connected with each other at the opportunity of building “the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.” Diverse landscapes and ecology, multiculturalism, golden beaches, waterfalls and pleasant natural landscapes. “” This is Sri Lanka. “” Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Kaluasena Cotitawa Library (Dr.Karunasena Kodituwakku) said proudly pointing to the map. Sri Lanka on the map, like India