在池塘养殖中 ,施用EM活性微生物水产专用肥的试验塘同对照塘相比 ,单位面积净产量鱼种池提高 17.8%,成鱼池提高 14.4%,D .O分别提高了 2 3.5 %和 11.2 %,NH4 + -N +NH3 -N降解效果十分显著 ,同比分别降低 2 4%和 5 3.8%。从而使养殖水质达到了肥、活、嫩、爽 ,营养齐全 ,促进了有益藻类和浮游生物的增殖 ,为鱼类健康生长提供了良好的生态环境。
Compared with the control pond, the net yield of fish ponds per unit area increased by 17.8%, the fish pond increased by 14.4% and the D · O increased by 23.5% and 11.2%, respectively, in ponds. However, , NH4 + -N + NH3-N degradation is very significant, down 24% and 53.8% respectively. So that the water quality of farming reached fat, live, tender, cool, nutritious, and promote the proliferation of beneficial algae and plankton for the healthy growth of fish provides a good ecological environment.