国际奥林匹克机器人大赛 郑州黄河少年队获世界冠军

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日前,代表我国首次参加国际奥林匹克机器人竞赛的郑州铁路局第十一小学黄河少年队,从7个国家(地区)的50个代表队中脱颖而出,一举夺得了竞赛小学组冠军,为国家赢得了荣誉。据了解,国际奥林匹克机器人竞赛是近几年在发达国家和先进的发展中国家兴起的一项国际性青少年 Recently, on behalf of our country for the first time to participate in the International Olympic Robot Competition Zhengzhou Railway Bureau eleventh primary Yellow River youth team, from 7 countries (regions) 50 teams stand out, won the championship in primary schools won the honor for the country . It is understood that the International Olympic Robot Competition is an international youth rising in developed countries and advanced developing countries in recent years
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1 病例报告患者,女,35岁。因突发性双下肢麻木1周、肌无力2d,于1997年7月入院。患者1周前感双下肢麻木,并向躯干发展。2d前双下肢出现肌无力和阵发性灼热,双腿站立不稳,麻木上移至胸以下。当晚始