信贷期限偏短、存款结构严重失衡、贷款利率偏高、从业人员素质低、支农信贷总量偏少、贷款主体责任不明等 ,是西部欠发达地区农村信用社支农信贷的主要现状。其出路在于 :( 1)加强宏观管理 ,政府为支农信贷创造宽松的环境 ;( 2 )完善各级人民银行的再贷款管理职责 ;( 3)坚持市场定位 ,使农村信用社在改善支农信贷服务中求发展。
The short term of credit, the serious imbalance of deposit structure, the high interest rate of lending, the low quality of employees, the small amount of credit for supporting agriculture and the unclear responsibility of the main loan are the main status quo of rural credit cooperatives credit in western underdeveloped areas. The way out is to: (1) strengthen macroeconomic management and create a relaxed environment for supporting credit for agriculture by the government; (2) improve the responsibility of the PBC for repaying loans at all levels; (3) persist in market orientation so that rural credit cooperatives Credit services and development.